Hi all,
I want to take this moment to thank my Campaign manager Jim Kelly, each and every one on my campaign team, and to every one of the voters who came to the polls on Nov 7th or participated in early voting or absentee ballot. I also want to thank everyone who supported me with contributions and/or came to the campaign functions. I am so grateful for the outpouring of support I received these last several months.
Special thanks to all of the support I received on Oct 25th, during and after my fundraiser, when my Husband Jeff passed on to Glory. How each one stepped up and helped to walk myself and my family through a difficult time and the adjustment that comes with such an event. Praise God, who prepared hearts and answered prayers for strong confirmation of His will for me moving forward.
As far as Zone 5 trustee position, it will start in mid-January, which will give me time with family over the holidays to recoup and adjust to life without Jeff. Once in the seat, my focus will continue to be the safety, protection and educational outcome for the students. My goal will be transparency and fiscal responsibility of district funds, including seeing the forensic audit to completion and addressing any potential misappropriation of funds, to make sure the board is following the good policies already in place, and to make sure all the policies are in the best interest of the students and the district.
I will represent Zone 5 to the best of my ability and will have open ears to weigh the concerns of parents and taxpayers.
In humble gratitude,
Kathy Nash

Representative Government
- Constitutionalist
- Conservative

Honor Parental Rights
- Health freedom
- Informed consent
- Fight against bullying
- Prevent sexual misconduct
- Promote normative Genders
- Eliminate critical race theory

Fiscal Accountability
- Policy Enforcement
- Transparency
- No Levy until a forensic audit is completed
- Better practices for accountability

“Kathy is hard working and committed to improving our community. She has great self-initiative and organizational skills and her work ethic has proven very helpful in several recent campaigns. She is a great asset to our community and will be a great advocate for students. She is a true servant to the people.”
Representative Heather Scott
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